29 septiembre 2009

El timo del banco africano (IV): La documentación

¡Bien! Nafisa-Farfisa-Rabiza me contesta, ¡y por fin manda fotos! Ésto es lo que me dice:

My love,
its a thing of pleasure to have heard from you, and understood all you have explianed, just that its as if you dont understand my situation here, i am a refugee here , i dont know any body i am only surving by the help of the catholic missionaries here who have been helping us here, to feed is not easy, as i am talking to you i can only feed once a day, i cant even aford to buy some inner wears to change the old ones, in my mensuration periods, most time i use pieces of cloths tired togather as toiletary pad because i can not afford to buy some pad,

My dear, in the attachment i have scanned the documents on this transactions, please try to convience your editor beyound every reasonable doubts that i am geniue and sincere, even if it means coming here with him, no problem. but all the same i will prefer you contact the bank by writting them a mail lets hear from them first and know the formalities of claiming this fund. but sincerely i will be happier if you can come down here with your editor to see things your selvies ok.

my dear, i am counting on you, you are my last hope i believe in you and togather we shall build brighter future again, i want to belong to a family again and to have a home of my own again, i am just like a living dead here.

hope to hear a good news from you, also let me know the bank responds to you as you contact them
thanks with love
Kiss you

Adjunto al correo, me manda fotos de documentos de una autenticidad equiparable a la de un Judas de plexiglás.

Si tengo que elegir entre esto y una etiqueta de Anís del Mono, dudaría.

No os perdáis las letras puestas a ordenador sobre la foto en plan fotomontaje cutre. ¿Lo han hecho con el Paintbrush?

Creo que el carnet del Club Don Mickey tiene más validez como identificación que esto.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

pero al final que es lo que quiere ella?. te saca algo de plata?. porque al final si no te saca nada para que mierda hace tanto quilombo?